Wednesday, August 10, 2005

the ipod rocks!

i recently got my hands on an ipod mini (1st gen) and i'm loving it so far :) it's so sleek, compact, and easy to use, practically idiot proof! (and as a software engineer, that's saying a lot!) there is a down side, of course, battery life is just not too good (a measly five hours). it's a good thing it comes with both a usb and a firewire cable so i can charge anywhere there is a usb (or firewire) port. maybe after my warranty expires i can build up enough courage to open up my mini and do a diy battery replacement.

that's about all i'm going to say about my ipod, this is after all not a review about the ipod. if you're looking for one, just google for it, you'll probably get millions of hits :)

so what have i done with my ipod? created playlists and then filled it with songs of course! during the first week or so my ipod was filled to the brim (less than 10mb free i think) with mp3s. i just had to put everything i could squeeze into it! i figured i'd want to have every type of music to match my current mood. i ended up having too many unplayed songs taking up valuable disk space (the 1g ipod mini only has 4 gigs of hard disk space)

i initially set itunes to manual sync because i wanted complete control over my ipod. but then i realized that doing a manual sync means that the play statistics of the songs in my ipod aren't synced back into itunes. what a bother! after all, these statistics are important, they tell me which songs should stay and which songs should go. i googled for a while to look for some tool or method to bring these information back into itunes but the only solutions i found where for macs (you lucky bastards!) i finally decided to meet itunes half way and set it to sync only my selected playlists automatically. this way before it replaces any songs from my ipod with my changes in itunes, it first downloads all the song information and updates the itunes database. i guess this will have to do for now :)

that's it for now, more on my next ipod related post...

my ipod...


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