exim carrying case for clie ux40/50 handhelds: the review (2/3)
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my favorite feature is its ability to charge my ux via usb =) unlike the brando case which just copied the hooks from the ux cradle, exim also brought the battery connectors along =) the case receives power from the usb port near the base and passes it on to the ux via the 4 tiny connectors.
you can also see from the picture that the exim case has holes that correspond to the ux's reset hole and speaker. you can't see it from the picture but they are perfectly aligned to the ux's corresponding holes.
another good feature of the exim case is, for lack of a better term, "the space for the camera". the exim case provides enough space so that the camera's view is not obstructed. but then again, if you really want space, you can always fold the flap over =)
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