exim carrying case for clie ux40/50 handhelds: the review (3/3)
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well, it can't all be good, now can it? =) as with anything, there is always room for improvement.
first one i noticed was the reset hole. although it was perfectly aligned with the ux's reset hole, it was a bit small. normally (ie, without the case), i would only need to pull out my stylus and poke my ux at the back. easy right? now it's a bit of a struggle, i need to get it in real good (=D) in order to do a reset. the hole is a wee bit too tight (=D). of course, after having gone in and out a few times (=D) it's now a bit more loose (=D). maybe after a few more resets, it will be much less of a struggle (where's the fun in that, eh guys? =D).
second is the usb port. once again it's a bit of a struggle getting it in the first time. i guess it just takes a little getting used to. after doing it everyday for a week, it gets pretty easy =)
hmm... better get on to the last one before this goes over the pg rating =p
the next two are more aesthetic rather than functional.
the third one you will see when you turn the case over. at the base of the case, there are some lumps. one on the reset hole, and another on the opposite side of the battery connectors. you won't see these lumps if you look at the pictures on their website. tsk. tsk.
here's another look:
last, it's the added bulk on my ux. but like i said earlier, although i don't really mind the bulk, it can be a point of consideration for some other people.
here's a picture of my ux, with some stuff in the pockets. i've placed my t610 beside it to provide a basis for comparison.
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