Monday, June 07, 2004

exim carrying case for clie ux40/50 handhelds: a summary

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the transaction:
not as smooth as i had hoped but i guess that was just my luck =). the guys at pda-now are pretty decent folks. if you have a problem with the transaction, just let them know and they're sure to respond immediately. =)

+ great protection against scratches
+ good fit, easily snaps onto the ux
+ camera view is unobstructed
+ lots of pockets
+ charges the ux via usb!

- doesn't really offer much protection when dropped
- the reset hole is a bit to small
- using the usb port takes a bit of getting used to
- lumps at the back of the case
- adds a bit of bulk to the ux

a great case, even if i do say so myself =)

ps - i did start this review a week after i got the case, unfortunately, i've been busy so i've only completed it today. anyways, i hope this review helps people out there looking for a good case for their ux50 =)

pps - btw, more pictures at


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